The School has been upgraded to ICSE & ISC for class 12th Admission opens for class 11th, Science Batch 2024-26 ( PCM & PCB) The School has started optional subjects for classes I to IX, AI & Coding

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Manager’s Voice

Dear Holy Familians,

According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ‘the mission of education’ is, “The foundation to ensure the creation of enlightened citizens who will make a prosperous, happy and strong nation”.

To quote him,

“When learning is purposeful, Creativity blossoms.
When creativity blossoms, Thinking emanates.
When thinking emanates, Knowledge is fully lit.
When knowledge is lit,Economy flourishes.”

Sr.Rosline Jose

In the present scenario there is great demand and immense pressure on our students and the education system prevailing in our country. Our education system is typically dependent on theoretical aspects and the essential practicality is omitted out. There must be relevant focus given to both theory and practice. Only then the creativity blossoms as envisaged by the great legendary person Dr. A P J. So there must be holistic development of the children. And it should take into consideration the whole person and his or her physical mental and psychological development.

n order to bring in the wholeness aspect into the education system or into the personality development of a person there must be unity and integrity of 3 H’s in education as envisaged by His Holiness Pope Francis in the World Conference of Education held in Rome from 18 to 21st Nov 2015; He spoke about the education of the Head, Heart and Hand ie. a unity of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain of learning. All these faculties are very much essential to acquire skills and knowledge up to a proper height. Not only brain or intellect alone but the entire body contributes in one way or other to acquire skill and knowledge leading to successful life and career as long as any individual person is concerned. When all these H’s in unity then we can accomplish many impossible things in our lives

In our education system let us give significance to both theoretical and practical aspects like in the Western countries so that our children will become successful in their lives and career and inculcate in them the humane aspects too. Let us also try to mention over here St. Mother Theresa’s deepest notion on the theme “We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” So we have to have a radical shift from Me to We. Our education system of the 21st century should facilitate and make our children good citizens who will be hard working, possessing humane nature, and let me quote G.K. Nickson – “Successful people are not gifted, they just work hard and then succeed on purpose”. Consequently let us ignite our minds, let our knowledge be lit and become hardworking and successful citizens of our country.

Wishing you all the best

Sr.Rosline Jose
