The School has been upgraded to ICSE & ISC for class 12th Admission opens for class 11th, Science Batch 2024-26 ( PCM & PCB) The School has started optional subjects for classes I to IX, AI & Coding

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Create a world of enlightened & integrated citizens and mould ideal families by imparting knowledge of God and value- based quality education.


To Grow a culture of faith through a deep experience of the Fatherhood/motherhood of God and the brotherhood/sisterhood of human kind.

About Us

Mariam Thresia

Blessed Mariam Thresia, the Foundress of the Congregation of Holy Family was born on 26th April 1876 at PuthenchiraThrisur Dt. Kerala State as the third child of Chiramal MankudianThoma and Thanda.

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About Us

Rev. Fr. Joseph Vithayathil

Rev. Fr. Joseph Vithayathil the Co founder of the Congregation of Holy Family was born on 23rd July 1865 as the second son of Anna and Yohannan Vithayathil at Mananbady, Puthenpally Ernakulam Dt. Kerala.

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School Consulting for Poor Children

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School Consulting for Poor Children

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School Consulting for Poor Children

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School Consulting for Poor Children

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